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OOC discussion about existing roleplays.
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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The Manor?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
RulesPosts Must Be 5 Lines In Length
Replying posts to Roleplay Battles should be at least 5 lines of text in length, anything less does very little to describe your attack.
So please keep this in mind when posting.
Use the OOC: When Talking Out Of Character
Please place the "OOC:" (out of character reply) before any text in your post that is separate from the battle. It prevents confusion.
No God Modding
You are not allowed to 'God Mod' this means:
* You are not allowed to make yourself invincible or immune to defeat.
* Moves that make your attack unblock able are not allowed.
* No guns unless you have permission.
* You cannot control your opponents character.
* You cannot state that the attack you made 'hit' your opponent. It is up to your opponent how he/she deals with the attack. You may make attempts with your attacks but in the end, your opponent dictates the damage that is done by them.No Healing Items
*Demons with this ability may only heal themselves up to five times during an entire battle.
*For mass healing spells you may not use it more than once and an individual spell more than the amount of party members you have.
Time and Status Effects Magic
Some characters may choose to have Time or Status Effect magic and/or items.
For example: haste, slow, poison.
Guidelines when using these:
The effects that these spells have may only last the one-four turns that you are using them depending on how strong the spell is.
You cannot permanently keep you, or your opponents status in that effect.
*Note: Stop or Paralyse or any magic that leaves the opponent incapacitated and unable to react, cannot be used. This is considered God Modding.
No Summoning Magic
* Summon magic may be used on the condition that weaker summons last two-four turns and stronger summons last four-six turns.
* Summons can be canceled by a fatal wound or by negating magic.
General Rules:Roleplay and Roleplaying Battle Rules are not the same.
Guns are not allowed in here unless permission is granted.
No Double Posting
This also means, that you may not have '2 turns' you must wait till your opponent replies to your last move before you can post again. If you need to say something more about your move, edit your last post. If you need to say something to your opponent, PM them or post an 'OOC:' (out of character reply) in your thread.
No Spam
Anything posted that is irrelevant to the Arena needs to be posted in the original OOC.
Defining A Win, Draw and Loss Win:
Your opponent withdraws from the battle or admits defeat. Which constitutes a win for the member still standing. If you challenge a member and they decline your request to battle - you cannot consider this as a win.
Win by Default:
In a Tournament situation, you post into the battle but your opponent does not post within the time frame given and therefore it is considered a win by default.Draw:
When you and your opponent both decide to withdraw from the battle at the same time or both admit defeat and walk away. Under these circumstances, there are no winners or losers and therefore, it becomes a draw by default.
Draw by Default:
In a Tournament, a draw by default is when neither you nor your opponent post into the battle within the time frame given. And therefore it becomes a draw.
When you are engaged in battle and you decide to withdraw or admit defeat. This constitutes a loss for you and a win for your opponent.
Loss by Default:
In a tournament situation, a loss by default happens when your opponent posts in the battle but you do not reply within the given time and therefore it is considered a loss to you by default.
* Note: I or the designated Third Party will tell you the given time to post.
Tips! Be creative with your responses! Don't just say "I swing my weapon at you" try and make it more interesting by adding more detail. Describe your characters response: how you move, evade and counter attack. Be imaginative. It makes it easier for the reader to visualise. Just like a good book. Use some tactic. Create your characters so that they are strong but also look at what features you can add to them that will give you skill in your battle, not just power.
Most importantly, never give up easily! Give a good fight.
Thats it! Now go clash those fists and claws! Look out for the rules but most of all have fun! Thanks for taking the time to familiarise yourself with the rules. Any questions can be forwarded onto me through PM or posted on the original thread. Rock on!
OtherBefore you begin posting in this topic I require you to fill out this form suitably. This will help keep track of all details concerning powers and such about your character. Thank you for reading over this. Also by the way, I do require permission for powers because I want to make sure everyone gets a fair chance. Sorry! I know it's tedious to get it approved but in the long run it's great!
- Code: Select all
Full Name:
Weapons on Hand: (Humans only, Must have permission. Be simplistic. You guys aren't ninjas!)
Powers/Abilities: (Demons only, Be specific. You have to get permission too. Don't overpower or under power yourself. Be reasonable.)
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."

Akantha - Member for 1 years
Full Name: Zalenetsu
Alias: Zale
Species: Mischief Demon
Powers/Abilities: Each different 'form' of includes the abilities of each of the lesser forms.
Normal Form
- Enhanced Dexterity- Zale can react quite rapidly to most actions. Not to say that he dodge or evade every attack but he is more acrobatic say to speak than most. The best example I can think of is the x-men Nightcrawler. (If you switch Nightcrawlers' teleporting skill with leaping instead. Does that make sense? xP) Ex: Jumping higher, running quicker, flipping, ect.
- Demonic Strength - Zale has the surprising ability to deal a powerful blow. Despite his small, almost lanky proportions he could for example punch a small; slightly larger than his fist; crater into, say...cement. In terms of humans; enough to break bones.
Demon Form- Blue Fire - Zale has the ability to produce flames or energy in a sense that can either be propelled towards someone/come in contact with them via physical contact/ or there are occasional circumstances he can't control to well, objects or a person can be temporarily consumed by the fire. It is relatively blinding and absolutely hot. It takes a lot of his energy and or will power to conjure this fire and it can't be done very often without completely exhausting him.
- Demonic Regeneration - Zale's body naturally heals major or fatal wounds to his body and ignores most everyday scratches(though those still heal more rapidly than normal). It can take up to a half hour to completely heal a major wound and it obviously inhibits his functioning.
Out of Control- Demonic Endurance - Zale can take more of a hit than normal. Major and Fatal wounds that would significantly interfere with his movements are more easily ignored as if he's sort of numb or perhaps to stubborn to let it effect him.
- Raging Fire - The blue fire that he already has consumed his entire body and the conjuring of it becomes more wild, combusting and thus more dangerous. When ever this fit ends, he is most likely drained of energy and blacks out.
Hope this makes enough sense, let me know if anything needs to be editing or restricted. Also, I don't exactly plan for him to get out of control every other post or anything, just so you know. :)

Artik - Member for 1 years
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