WIW: Stokke Tripp Trapp - Austin Moms Blog
As with everything dealing with babies and children, there are a zillion and three different high chairs, booster seats and devices to help make sitting at the table a little more palatable with a little one.? Typically I fall somewhere in the middle of what is the cheapest and what is the most functional.? I surf the internet and drool over the expensive, name brand items and covet the modern and clean lines of European baby gear ? but all too often, the super expensive price tags (plus shipping!) send me right back to Babies R? Us for whatever item I can grab off of the shelf.
That being said?when Hudson was about 2 1/2, it was time to move him out of his ?Newborn-Toddler Reclining Feeding Seat?.? It wasn?t that he was too big for it, but since it attached to an existing chair, when he would try to climb in and out, it was a tipping over hazard.? I had no idea what I was going to do since our new dining room set now included microsuede parsons chairs, and the last thing I wanted to do was to put a messy toddler in one of those.? I did, however, want him to be sitting up at the table with us ? and not invest in a bigger high chair and tray, that would fit him for a little while longer.
Enter the Stokke Tripp Trapp.

(Image taken from amazon.com)
The perfect combination of function and form!? The Tripp Trapp? chair, was created in 1972 by the designer Peter Opsvik, and is AWESOME.?? It is the only child?s chair that can take you from baby to adult, keeping them secure and comfortable all the way.? According to their website, the Tripp Trapp? designer?s inspiration came from watching his own young son, Tor, struggle to find a comfortable position to sit in at their family table. Having grown out of his old-fashioned high-chair, but still far too small to sit on an adult?s chair, Tor was left dangling his legs and struggling to reach the table.
(Sound familiar?)
I wanted this chair in a BAD way, but the price tag concerned me.? While it sounded like a perfect product, I was apprehensive to spend that much money ? what if it wasn?t all it was cracked up to be?? So, I turned to my trusty friend, Craigslist.? I watched for a week or so and one lovely day, someone in South Austin was selling TWO of them.? For half the price of new.? It was a little rough around the feet, but otherwise in perfect condition.? We made the trek down South, picked up the chair, and 4 years later, Hudson is still sitting comfortably.
It is, by far, one of my favorite products for a family.? It is worth every penny because it truly does ?grow? with your child.? The bonus, is that it can also hold adults, so instead of having a high chair that is useless when the kiddo isn?t home, we can seat adults if necessary!
When we began shopping for Finn?s arrival, I knew that another Tripp Trapp was what we would need.? The great thing is that Stokke also sells a baby set to adapt the chair for the baby.? I haven?t tried out the tray yet (that is sold separately), as I?m not sure if I want to invest the money into a tray when Finn can sit at the table with us now.? I absolutely LOVE that the entire family is actually sitting around/at the table together ? already!? They are so easy to adjust as the kids grow, and are super easy to clean.? And, I have to say?it?s pretty stinkin? cute to see Finn (at 5 months old) sitting in the exact same style chair as his 6 year old brother ? and both of them are VERY happy!

My sweet boys in their matching Tripp Trapp chairs! (Finn rocking the Baby Set.)
So, I ask you?anyone have a Tripp Trapp?? Have you tried the tray attachment?? Is it worth it?
About Elisabeth Hunter
Elisabeth is the Family Life Ministry coordinator at her church and also started Lake Travis School of Fine Arts, where she teachers musical theatre. Her family is an attachment-parenting-style family and believes in breastfeeding, baby wearing and co-sleeping! ?Live, Love, Laugh? is her motto and she lives every day to the fullest.Source: http://austinmomsblog.com/2012/10/17/wiw-stokke-tripp-trapp/
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