Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cyber security Tips: Ensure Your Computers Are Secure With IT ...

At some point in our lives most of us will be ensnared by some kind of internet virus, whether its due to poor quality anti-virus tech, dodgy emails, phishing attacks or infection by a friends computer internet virus' affect us all. Viruses range massively in terms of effect and the dangers they pose, a virus on a personal computer can be bad enough but it can be devastating if your business networks and systems are infected. The best way to ensure that your business is protected from viruses is by utilising the skills of IT security consultants.

Dangerous viruses

Many company computers hold vital data, either from clients or the business in question as well as personal communications. This is not information you want in someone else's hands or worse, leaked onto the internet. Viruses can lie dormant in your system for months, intercepting and collecting often vital data without the users knowledge, others can crash sites or even computer software.

The higher the success, the greater the threat

The more successful and prolific a business, the higher the risk of attack. Instead of being affected by viruses intended to infect as many computers as possible at random, hackers and cyber criminals deliberately target a business in order take information and make money from it illegally. There are scores of hackers and cyber criminals searching for sites with weak security in order to exploit it for their own personal gain. Companies like Sony and Amazon have all faced difficulties with hackers and cyber criminals; everyone needs to bear security in mind.

Technology moves at an incredibly fast rate, viruses are no different. New ones are being constantly created and so security technology has to keep up with them. IT security consultants aim to make sure that your systems have the most up to date protection to deal with everything the internet has to throw at them.

Security at a business level

IT security consultants use their valuable experience to ensure that your company's website is secure and helping you move your business forward. The type of anti-virus technology you might use at home is not recommended at a business level, as previously stated your company may be directly targeted and aggressively pursued something domestic anti-virus tech was not designed to deal with.

The internet is a vital resource for modern business yet it also brings fresh dangers and security risks, IT security consultants can ensure that you get all the advantages the internet brings whilst minimising the hazards.

Trustmarque pride themselves on being able to protect your business online with their experienced IT security consultants. If you need your computers and websites protected, contact Trustmarque them on their website today.


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