Discovery of Duqu malware sparks fears of Stuxnet 2.0
Jacob Aron, technology reporter
Security researchers have discovered a new form of malware that appears to have been created by the same people behind the Stuxnet worm uncovered last year. The malware, named Duqu, gathers intelligence from industrial control system manufacturers, possibly for use in mounting Stuxnet-like attacks against facilitates such as power stations that use the industrial control systems.
Security firm Symantec reports that Duqu does not self-replicate, which means it is not a worm like Stuxnet, but was targeted at specific organisations. Also unlike Stuxnet, which was mainly found on systems in Iran, Duqu infections were detected on European computer systems.
"Duqu shares a great deal of code with Stuxnet," says Symantec. The creators of Duqu had access to Stuxnet's source code, but its intended target is different. Rather than disrupting control systems, the malware simply records keystrokes and other system information, encrypts them and sends them to a remote server. It is set up to run for 36 days before deleting itself, presumably to minimise the chance of detection.

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