Saturday, September 24, 2011

Community participation is relevant in the promotion of sustainable ...


Development is defined as a change is desirable, and includes a list of attributes that the company is looking / will be sought. It covers the growth of quality of life should lead the real increase in per capita income to education, better health and nutritional status. National development can by higher growth and higher production capacity to see how the gross national product (GNP) indicated. Should access to freedom, spiritual and equitable distribution of wealth have. In simple words, means a change in development to improve and progress. These results should take over in the future development rather than short-term, sustainable development.

Sustainable development as a new concept in natural resource and environmental management is defined in different ways by many defenders. However, the most commonly cited definition of the Brundtland Report, World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED 1987, p. 8). Means what, that "Sustainable development meets the needs of the present states without the ability of future generations to to satisfy their own needs. "The concept was defined by organizations such as UNEP, as" support to improve the quality of life of people during his stay in the possibility of the system. "

The concept of sustainable development aims to offset the economic development of a country and its natural resources. For IUCN, the concern is about the need for sustainable development in the severe consequences of poor environmental management can have on people. These consequences are: air pollution causes global warming, acid rain and ozone depletion cause irreparable harm to living resources, including deforestation, depletion of water, the extinction of species (biodiversity) and forgery and poisoning the soil and groundwater with pesticides, herbicides and toxic waste. It is very important for the balance of how the resources used for the development of humanity and the value of the environment in order to preserve the present and future lives.

Sustainable development:

Sustainable development as originally in the field of development in the era of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 1972 (Stockholm Conference) entered.

Since then, several important principles of environmental management for sustainable development were presented. The aspects that characterize each process of sustainable development are: improving the environment is to make sustainable development need to call the utmost importance and recognition of the value of the natural, cultural and built to be the extension of the time horizon, ie, sustainable development policies are concerned about the future, and shareholders' equity, which means the needs of disadvantaged people in society (intra-equity) and real-time, concern for future generations (intergenerational justice). The intergenerational equity required to close the growing gap between rich and poor and ensure that all who live a fair portion of the development process. Generational equity refers to the duties and be fair to the next generation, so that a legacy of not less wealth than we inherited.

To achieve sustainable development is necessary to prevent the irreversible destruction of the environment. Irreversible damage to the environment is to deprive a permanent loss that can not be a step backwards, future generations of the legacy we have inherited. Several approaches to environmental programs in resource use have been developed to enable sustainable development. Community participation is one approach among many.

Promote the participation of the Community's sustainable development

A community, in simple terms, refers to a group of people with a common goal, for example, a rural community, the cultural community, social community, economic community, or perhaps the entire international community. The activities of the residents of the community have a greater impact on the environment. People have an unlimited power to the environment due to the need for the development of change developed. To participate in a community of people in different economic, social and cultural rights. Some of these activities have a negative impact on the environment. Forinstance, deforestation, overgrazing, poaching, overfishing and destruction of habitats of life belong to the many environmental impacts of the community. In addition, any development project or to the well being of the people to improve their communities. It follows that if sustainability is to ensure public participation in any development process is essential.

The origins of the principles of community involvement goes back to the Rio Declaration (Principle 19) and the World Charter for Nature (Articles 16 and 23).

This underlines the need for the government to offer an opportunity to participate individually for all people or in some other way to, in the formulation of environmental policy-making and access to means of substitution into the environment has suffered damage or deterioration.

The principle was in the Rio Declaration (Principle 10) confirmed include three basic elements: It is the participation in decision-making, public opinion by providing information and access to court procedures and administration, including re-dressing and make- up

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Fundamental issues of natural resource management is resource allocation, priority setting and decision making. The nature and extent of public interest in the resource assessment is generally accepted or imposed, but not specifically by the governments of developing countries (from top to bottom) taken into account. Ecological, economic and social aspects of technology rather dominant value of the resource flows and the results have often been ignored. Therefore Firey (1960) suggests that public consensus in resource allocation and management around the world are integrated.

EndOf achieve sustainability, should call the management of natural resources in developing countries for the development of resources on strategies and priorities. Environmental degradation in many developing countries is often inadequate management practices developed by foreigners, rather than attributed to the local community in mind. This is because, to maintain policies play an important role in resource allocation and therefore tend to have some more political influence than their communities less fortunate.

The participation of the community to promote sustainable development requires the analysis of complex and large amounts of data. The techniques of content analysis has been recommended to identify it is given with a view to favor, against, on the issue with the reasons for the support of these views.

To achieve this, the involvement of community environmental education in the community are provided. The purpose of environmental education for communities of people is to create an environment-conscious people. This will help to two aims: to limit or reduce the extent of the impact of humans with the environment through ignorance of supported activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, poaching, over fishing methods, poor harvest and the destruction of habitats of living things, such as wetlands. The other objective of environmental education to make a community more informed decisions about the environment and natural resources can. To support incentives for environmental projects by local communities to motivate people positively, participation in sustainable development. The elimination of poaching, overfishing and dynamite fishing, deforestation and the burning of coal and other threats to the ecological sustainability can be treated well, if the backup to provide alternative activities, protection of the environment and the needs of the people.

The bottom-up approach requires the participation of the community to not enforce the policy in the community. To achieve this goal, the need to integrate environmental education into school curricula so that students understand the environment and teach others in general. It is also necessary for those responsible for the environment at the grassroots (communities). Radio broadcasts, seminars and workshops are just some of the many ways to use the knowledge of environmental awareness and skills of the population for sustainable development.

Importance of community commitment to the promotion of sustainable development

Community participation is a modern development strategy for its ability to expand, the benefits of developing a larger community, while promoting sustainability has been recognized.

Among the main reasons for using the strategy of community involvement includes: ?

The community engagement strategy ensures a fair distribution of benefits of development projects for the whole community was involved and participated in its entirety. Equitable distribution of benefits of the proposed tower of the community an extrinsic motivation to care for the people to take projects, continue to enjoy for a long time. What is told with a sense of sustainable development.

The participation of the community developed a sense of responsibility and ethics of care among members of the community towards development projects and the natural resources of the environment because they are the result of their needs and aspirations. When people fully participate in the planning phase, the implementation and benefits of a project, it feels like the actors and should therefore ensure that the project is successful, and much more. Thus, a sustainable development be achieved.

The effective participation of people in community development programs require that people have environmental education. The knowledge about the environment that allows people to acquire knowledge, develop skills, change attitudes and gain a sense of participation in the proper use of environment and natural resources. And encourage "the knowledge about the environment, involve all sectors of society, especially the poor and marginalized, in the project, the use and management of resources for sustainable development.

Contribution of the community it is important to social impact assessments in the developing countries for the creation of a development project. For example, the social effects of artificial lakes (reservoirs), stressed the need for social variables of the community in the planning and management of development projects to integrate. For example, the construction of the Kariba Dam, the social impact of social disruption for the relocation of many families, the loss of agricultural land, loss of fishing opportunities and problems of adaptation to new settlements. The only way to avoid these problems, the effective participation of the community from conception to implementation and management of each project.

Environmental literacy for people to participate in development projects and the knowledge and skills in the process of promoting the independence of the poor and needy of the community have acquired. Self-help skills, it is these people are trying to carry out development activities with the environment / environmental projects and to improve their lives. This is very important for sustainability.

Commitment to the Community Strategy to promote sustainable development is important because it promotes the sharing of responsibility for identifying, planning, management and implementation.

This also helps the community a sense of ownership of the project and therefore be willing to see what happens. This is important for sustainable development.

Indigenous knowledge and science and technology are important to solve environmental problems. And "it is necessary to integrate indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge for the maintenance of soil fertility, prevent erosion and improve methods of agriculture on steep slopes with scientific findings. Indigenous peoples have the knowledge of indigenous peoples. The most effective strategy of applying indigenous knowledge is Community participation.

The strategy of the Community participation in sustainable development aims, the hostility that people often have to reduce to development projects such as urban renewal. Exceeding this hostility is a very important mechanism for sustainable development as a people with the spirit of optimism (attitude) to cooperate.

The strategy also promotes transparency in financial management in the development project financed by governments or donors, include the main actors (community) satisfaction. This will contribute to conflict and lead to sustainable development.

Community participation is essential in promoting sustainable development, since both the causes and solutions to environmental problems are often linked to individual and social choices. It makes people understand how to create human society, the environment and the economic mechanisms that the legal and political framework to address concerns problems and situations. This is a key issue for sustainable development.

Community participation enables groups and individuals the opportunity to participate actively at all levels are working to solve environmental problems. This means ensuring environmental citizenship in the village, where everyone is a member of the environmental needs. "A number or a citizen who would protect the environment is not a member. This approach converges to a sustainable development permit.

This strategy is important in managing the environment, since it involved the leadership of community members that helps to identify actively participate in the process. This is important to bring others in good environmental management and development.

LIMITS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE strategy for sustainable development, the participation of the community.


It should be noted, however, that widespread in developing countries, the participation of the community in initiatives to develop still poor and demanding and not far away. The limitations of this method are the limited resources of time on the method, commitment, tolerance, and the difficulty that public participation is spent on the subject. We have the urgency of the problem and the involvement of the community. In terms of financial resources, there is a constant uninterrupted flow, so that participants are not frustrated by the contradictions.


Despite the above limitations is to ensure sustainable development will actually be achieved, if only, if the resource users and consumers of goods and services resulting from ecological resources involved in the project planning, management and development, that is the general community. These are the people (the church), which ultimately decide how to use resources to meet their economic, social and cultural rights. Environmental degradation in many developing countries is often inadequate management practices of foreigners, rather than attributed to the local community in mind. In order for the community in which the policy must not be imposed on people, but people to the project (the shareholders), environmental education should be made available for people.



Enger and Smith (2006) Environmental Science:

A study of the relations (10th ed)

McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. in New York.

United Nations and the environment

Development (1992). The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Gineva, Switzerland, Secretariat of the UNCED.

Michael L. McKinney, RM Schoch (1998). Environment

Science, systems and solutions, Web Enhanced Edition, West Publishing, USA.

Begins to increase traffic now that the submission of articles to us, click here to get started. To enjoy this article? Click here to view it on your website or blog, free and easy haykal39 view ? About the Author!

Name: Omar Dahir Haykal

Natiionality: Somalia

Marial Status: Single

Gender: Male

Born: 03/02/1985

Occupation: Student, Environmental Science Becholar

University Kampala International University

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